The Ida Institute is pleased to announce that three projects have been awarded Ida Institute Research Grants for 2018 through the Ida Research Committee. Each year, up to $10,000  in funding is awarded by the Ida Institute to three projects that develop evidence related to Ida Institute methods and tools and aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of person-centered care in hearing rehabilitation.

The following three projects submitted by Dr Caitlin Barr from the University of Melbourne, Dr Deborah Viviane Ferrari from the University of São Paulo, and Karina Swanepoel from the University of Pretoria, have each been awarded funds to further research and build evidence for person-centered care.

  • Learning to “Walk the Walk” with “Time and Talk”: Evaluation of Changes in Person-Centered Communication Skills of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Students. This project will look at the effectiveness of the Ida Institute’s “Time and Talk” tool in changing the communication styles of audiology and speech-pathology students in an effort to make them more person-centered. Findings will inform a larger study on person-centered communication education. Principal researcher: Dr Caitlin Barr. Co-investigators: Dr Nerina Scarinci, Dr Monique Waite, Dr Jessica Vitkovic, and Samantha Tai.
  • Adaptation and Assessment of the Online Course “Client Engagement and Ida Motivation Tools” for Brazilian Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Undergraduate Students. This project will translate the Ida Learning Hall course, “Client Engagement and Ida Motivation Tools,” into Portuguese in order to train students enrolled in the Brazilian university system. The project will also assess the efficacy of the course as a way of teaching students about motivational interviewing. Principal researcher: Deborah Viviane Ferrari. Co-investigator: Rodolpho Camargo.
  • Decision-Support and Help-Seeking on a Smartphone Screening App. This project will use the hearing test app, hearZA, and the Ida Institute’s “Why Improve My Hearing” tool to detect hearing loss in individuals in South Africa. Individuals who fail the hearing test will be linked to their nearest hearing care professional; the project will look at uptake of the recommendation. Principal researcher: Karina Swanepoel. Co-investigator: De Wet Swanepoel, PhD; David Moore, PhD.

This year’s winning projects will be completed by September 2019.

The Ida Institute tools and resources support continued professional development in person-centered care in audiology and the operationalization of person-centered care in clinical practice. All tools are freely available from the Ida Institute’s website. Read more at or subscribe to the Ida Institute’s Weekly News for regular news updates from Ida Institute.

Source: Ida Institute