February 20, 2008
LOS ANGELES—The House Ear Institute (HEI) announces the appointment of David I. Meyer, PhD, as executive vice president of research. Meyer, who joins HEI March 3, 2008, was chosen to direct research at the Institute based on his reputation as a cell biologist as well as his achievements in administrating science programs and scientific affairs.
Before joining HEI Meyer was vice president of research and scientific affairs at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Prior to that, he was on faculty at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) for 18 years, most recently as a professor in the Department of Biological Chemistry, UCLA School of Medicine. Also at UCLA, Meyer served as the associate dean for basic science programs and the senior associate dean of graduate studies.
Meyer assumes responsibilities from David Lim, MD, who held the position for 13 years and will now focus on his research as director of the Laboratory of Molecular Otology, chief of the Section on Pathogenesis of Ear Diseases. As executive vice president of research, Meyer will be an integral member of the House Ear Institute’s executive management team. HEI reports Meyer will work collaboratively with managers and scientists to expand existing programs and develop new avenues of scientific exploration to help the institute reach its goals of advancing hearing science through cutting-edge research and groundbreaking approaches.
"HEI’s advances in our understanding of the basic biology and genetics underlying the various types of hearing loss, coupled with its innovations in therapies, treatments and novel devices puts me in the enviable position of being able to coordinate a multifaceted research program, encompassing basic, translational and clinical approaches," Meyer says. "I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead and to providing the best possible support to our team of talented investigators."
"It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome Dr. Meyer to the House Ear Institute, and know he will build upon the strong foundation of scientific excellence established by Dr. David Lim during his term, and help the Institute continue that record of excellence and high achievements in the field of hearing science," James Boswell, CEO, HEI.
A native of Los Angeles, Meyer earned both his bachelor’s and doctoral degrees at UCLA. He has worked as a laboratory researcher/instructor at the Biocenter of the University of Basel, Switzerland and a staff scientist and research group leader at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany. He is a member of several scientific societies and study sections, and has served as an editor or editorial board member for several scientific journals including Journal of Cell Science. Meyer has won numerous awards for his work, most notably, the American Cancer Society Faculty Research Award. His area of expertise is as a cell biologist, studying membrane biogenesis and protein secretion.
Source: House Ear Institute