A new study published in JAMA Network Open examined the association between hearing loss and a decrease in physical activity.
Related article: Exercise Promotes Hearing Health
The researchers, who included Frank R. Lin, MD, looked at data from 291 adults between the ages of 60-69 included in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. They examined the association of hearing loss with “objectively measured physical activity,” hypothesizing that a hearing impairment would be linked with a less rigorous and regular physical activity regimen.
According to the study, “hearing loss was independently associated with poorer physical activity, including less moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, less light-intensity physical activity, more sedentary behaviors, and a more fragmented physical activity pattern.” Researchers postulated these results could be related to higher rates of social isolation and depression among people with hearing loss, which has been linked in previous studies to lower rates of exercise. Additionally, the greater cognitive effort required to hear with an impairment may decrease the amount of time someone is able to maintain an active physical state. Other physical limitations that were not measured, such as neurodegenerative diseases, could also have contributed to the effects.
To read the entire study, please click here.
Source: JAMA Network