History and People | October 1994 Hearing Review archives
By Marjorie D. Skafte
Article summary: 25 years ago, audiologists who heeded an inner call to help people with hearing loss through personal hands-on marketing of hearing aids were labeled as “unethical” audiologists. They became pioneers in the field of dispensing audiology. Here are the personal stories of four masters degree audiologists who were among the very first to venture into dispensing hearing aids: Jim Curran, John Schuneman, Mel Sorkowitz, and Otis Whitcomb.
Note: This article was published prior to the establishment of Hearing Review’s website. To read and/or access the article, please click on the article on the right or point your browser to this link: https://hearingreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Skafte_DispensingAudiologistsLonelyRoad_Oct1994HR.pdf
Citation for this article: Skafte M. Dispensing audiologists–They once walked a lonely road. Hearing Review. 1994[Oct];1(10):22-24.