The August 1994 Jackson Hole Rendezvous featured the unveiling of the Independent Hearing Aid Fitting Forum’s (IHAFF) comprehensive fitting protocol which was proposed to over 160 attending hearing care professionals and hearing industry experts. Taking place before the advent of digital signal processing hearing aids—and given the new capabilities of analog digitally programmable hearing aids—the IHAFF protocol is viewed by some as a precursor or underlying foundation for today’s modern best practices in hearing aid fittings. Presentations and contributions from IHAFF members included the work of Mead Killion, Gail Gudmundsen, Larry Revit, Gus Mueller, David Hawkins, Michael Valente, Lucille Beck, Ruth Bentler, Robyn Cox, David Fabry, and organizers Michael Marion and Dennis Van Vliet. New tools unveiled inclluded the Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) and Visual Input/Output Locator Algorithm (VIOLA), the FIG6 Hearing Aid Fitting Method, and more.
Note: This article was published prior to the establishment of Hearing Review‘s website, but is available for reading and/or download at:
Original citation for this article: Strom KE. IHAFF unveils fitting protocol at Jackson Hole Rendezvous. Hearing Review. 1994;1(9)[Oct]:16,19.