Hearing Health Foundation has announced that Chris Smith, president of Cochlear Americas, has joined the Foundation’s Board of Directors.
“I’m proud to be on the Board of Directors of Hearing Health Foundation, which has, for the last 55 years, been funding important research, including many grants—even back to the 1960s—on cochlear
implants,” says Smith. “Hearing Health Foundation continues to make hearing issues a national priority for the nearly 50 million people in this country who currently have hearing loss. Hearing research is essential, as it is only through research that we will continue to enhance treatments and options for hearing loss.”
Since its inception in 1958, Hearing Health Foundation (formerly Deafness Research Foundation) has raised over $27.8 million for hearing and balance research including work that led to cochlear implant technology, newborn hearing screening, and surgery for otosclerosis. Recently, Hearing Health Foundation has brought together researchers to form the Hearing Restoration Project, a program designed to accelerate the timeline to a cure for a hearing loss.
“Chris Smith has been a long time leader in the hearing health care industry,” says David S. Haynes, MD, medical director of Hearing Health Foundation and director of Otology and Neurotology at Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center. “His depth of knowledge in the hearing implant field and vision of the future are unparalleled. He is a significant addition to the Hearing Health Foundation Board of Directors.”
SOURCE: Hearing Health Foundation