Oticon’s “brain first” technology is designed to help provide better hearing with less effort by giving the brain the clearest, purest, sound signals to decode.
Oticon Inc, Somerset, NJ, has announced the release of BrainHearing™, the company’s “brain first” technology designed to provide better hearing with less effort by giving the brain the clearest, purest, sound signals to decode. BrainHearing combines four features—Speech Guard E, Spatial Sound, YouMatic, and Free Focus—that are designed to work together continuously to provide the brain with the input needed to hear more clearly, with reduced listening effort.
The four features are powered by the Inium platform, which is said to be the first sound processing platform that supports the brain’s entire process of making sense of sound. According to Oticon, Inium’s processing modifies only the parts of the signal that the individual ear doesn’t hear well so that the unique characteristics of speech are captured and preserved. This helps to keep neural pathways engaged so the brain doesn’t have to relearn how to hear. The result is better hearing with less effort.
“With BrainHearing, we further advance our ‘brain first’ audiological focus, first introduced in 2003,” says Oticon President Peer Lauritsen. “Rather than emphasize amplification and suppression of sounds, our audiological approach recognizes that speech understanding and comprehension are cognitive processes that happen in the brain.”
New Wireless designRITE and New Custom Styles. The benefits of BrainHearing technology are evident in Oticon’s newest wireless solutions that combine discreet aesthetics, comfort, and excellent performance with reduced listening effort for a high level of patient satisfaction, says the company. The small, elegant and button-free designRITE solution that disappears discreetly behind the ear and two new wireless custom solutions are designed to deliver BrainHearing advanced audiology and wireless connectivity in the smallest form factor possible.
The wireless capabilities of the new Inium-based solutions also allow users to talk hands-free on their cell or home phone, enjoy music, watch TV and much more with Oticon’s integrated ConnectLine system.
A new small Remote Control, roughly the size of a modern car key, can be used with all wireless Oticon instruments. It enables users to adjust the volume of the hearing instruments and to switch between programs for a more customized listening experience. The easy-to-carry Remote Control is especially beneficial for patients who have difficulty with small buttons or who use instruments without buttons, like the new designRITE.
More Choices and Complete Custom Line. The designRITE and custom wireless CIC and IIC are available in Alta, Nera, and Ria at different performance levels and price points. Each instrument’s extra-tough, ultra-thin shell has a durable, robust exterior. Internal workings are guarded with moisture resistance and other effective protection measures.
Oticon’s new FittingLINK wireless programming device enables hearing care professionals to achieve a reliable and personalized wireless fitting. FittingLINK connects easily and wirelessly to computers for fast and convenient programming sessions.
For more information about BrainHearing technology and the new designRITE and custom solutions, visit www.pro.oticonusa.com
Source: Oticon Inc