According to a report on the organization’s 2013-14 financial year, the Swiss non-profit Hear the World Foundation supported 21 projects across 16 countries by providing hearing aids and funding totaling more than $1.6 million. Employees of the Sonova Group participate in volunteer activities and contribute their expertise to comprise an important third pillar of the foundation’s work, explains the group.
The year’s highlights at a glance:
- $1.6 million in funding to support 21 projects in 16 countries;
- More than 700 hearing aids and FM systems donated and professionally fitted across the world, with follow-up care provided;
- More than 100 Sonova employees involved in voluntary activities or fundraising projects over the past year.
“I am exceptionally pleased that we have further increased our support,” says Sarah KreienbĂĽhl, board member of the Hear the World Foundation and Sonova’s group vice president of corporate HRM and communications. “In doing so we have been able to rely on the active involvement of our employees all over the world. Thanks to their tremendous efforts, we have used our expertise to help a wide range of projects. This kind of assistance is extremely important for enhancing the projects’ effectiveness and sustainability.”
Four key areas for promoting better hearing
Sonova Group says its vision is creating a world in which everyone has the chance to enjoy better hearing and live a life without limitations. It adds that part of its social responsibility is to help those who cannot afford or do not have access to the care they need through the Hear the World Foundation. The foundation bases its activities on key focal areas, such as the provision of audiological care for children with hearing loss. Hearing aids not only allow these children to communicate and integrate into society; they also enable them to receive a school education, which is vital for their future professional development. The foundation provides aid for families that, for geographical, social, or financial reasons, do not have any access to audiological care for their children. Further key areas covered by the foundation’s work include: training experts, running schemes to help prevent hearing loss, and offering programs for parents and families of children affected by hearing loss.
14 new and six long-standing project partnerships
Out of the large pool of applications submitted to the foundation, 14 new projects across 11 different countries were selected to receive financial support and hearing solutions in the new financial year. The foundation has also extended its cooperation with six existing project partners, successfully building on an established base and further developing a strong medical care network.
Source: Hear the World Foundation