The International Hearing Society will hold its 57th Annual Convention and Exposition in Savannah, Ga, on September 24-27. The following descriptions were supplied by the respective companies and are offered as a preview of convention exhibits. For more information on the event, see the preliminary program at the bottom of this page.

Beltone Electronics

Beltone is proud to announce the introduction of Reachâ„¢, the industry’s first digital hearing instrument with automatic Smart Beam Steeringâ„¢. The new automatic Smart Beam Steering works with the Speech Spotterâ„¢, which automatically initiates the directionality when speech signals are challenged by noise sources competing for attention. Stop by Beltone booth 417-419 to learn more about Reach. Talk to one of the Beltone representatives to find out more about available partnership opportunities.

(800) 621-1275

Costco Hearing Centers

Costco Wholesale is currently the 4th largest retailer in the United States (8th in the world). Fortune Magazine named us as one of America’s most admired companies for the last 2 years in a row. We continually strive to provide our members with the highest quality goods and services. If you are a licensed professional and interested in building a career with Costco, please stop by our booth for information on employment opportunities across the United States.

(425) 313-6693

Audina Hearing Instruments

Audina® Hearing Instruments Inc announces the release of four new hearing instruments at IHS! The FLXâ„¢ offers the flexibility of a BTE and OTE in a sleek contoured design with 8 channels and an ultrafast processor. The nVeâ„¢ AD and nVeâ„¢ 4 (pronounced “envy”) OTE instruments offer a receiver-in-canal (RIC)—eliminating the uncomfortable “echo chamber” sound common with other instruments. Audina’s INTELLIO® custom hearing instrument incorporates nano-chip technology for high precision sound. The latest instrument to join the INTUITION® family is the new 8-channel INTUITION® 8.

(800) 223-7700


Cost is the number one reason why patients do not buy hearing aids. We invite you to visit the CareCredit booth #504 at the IHS Convention & Expo in Savannah where you’ll have the opportunity to find out how to help more patients get the hearing health care they need by offering CareCredit’s No Interest and Low Interest Extended Payment Plans.

(800) 300-3046

Discovery Hearing Aid Warranties

Discovery Hearing Aid Warranties provides loss, damage, and/or component failure coverage for all makes and models of hearing aids, including processors for cochlear implants and bone-anchored hearing aids. A unique compensation plan generates continuous extra income for dispensers who recognize the importance of protecting clients’ hearing aids while building long-term dispenser/client relationships. Discovery Hearing Aid Repair is a quality, rapid response, full-service repair lab for older and newer aids.

(800) 342-1144

Ear Technology Corporation

Our hallmark is innovation: Dry & Store® in 1997, TransEar® in 2006, and now Clik®, the revolutionary open-fit hearing instrument. Clik’s cable-free programming will help you fit more patients in less time without sacrificing quality. While at IHS, be sure to make time for Dr Schumaier’s educational session Friday morning on Single-Sided Deafness, then visit our booth to experience TransEar first-hand. Meet Zephyr, the newest member of the Dry & Store family, at a most attractive price point. We’re Ear Technology. Helping people hear better, every day.â„¢

(800) 327-8547


Celebrating our 62nd year, Hal-Hen features over 4,000+ items for your hearing health care practice, including: assistive devices, personal communicators, FM systems, Bluetooth/Loop systems, impression materials, batteries, diagnostic equipment, video and conventional otoscopes, earlites, earmold/fitting supplies, educational materials, tools, kits for cerumen management, and over-the-counter pharmaceutical products. Our newly designed Hearing Healthcare Accessory Center features 14 of our most popular products. Visit us for samples, demonstrations, and special offers.

(800) 424-5436


HearUSA Inc operates a network of approximately 2,000 licensed providers, and administers hearing care benefits and services through its contractual arrangement with third-party payors, employer groups, and benefit sponsors. The company owns and operates 200 hearing clinics in 10 states, including California, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania and the province of Ontario. Online purchases of hearing-related products, such as batteries, hearing aid accessories, and assistive devices, are available at Hearing Shop (

(800) 731-3277


MedRx manufactures PC-based diagnostic and testing instrumentation. They will be demonstrating their full line of clinical and fitting systems including their newest expanded designs for the AVANT REM Speech Plus Real Ear, Live Speech Mapping system, and the new AVANT A2D Plus Audiometer. Space-saving, portable, and remarkably powerful, this new generation of instrumentation has raised the bar for testing and diagnostics. Contact MedRx at (888) 392-1234 for further information on the most advanced computerized systems in the industry.

(888) 392-1234


The National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences (NBC-HIS) will have staff and Board-Certified hearing care professionals available to answer questions about the benefits of board certification and the process to become certified. Brochures about certification and patient information will be available. We will have lots of giveaways and NBC-HIS merchandise for sale. The annual party sponsored by NBC-HIS is open to all convention attendees.

(734) 522-2900

Phonak Hearing Systems

Exélia is the new benchmark in premium performance. The sound delivery system continuously and instantly optimizes hearing instrument settings in real time to provide seamless natural hearing. Clients benefit from feedback-free listening with up to 20 dB added stable gain. Exélia with myPilot remote allows users to control their hearing focus—ideal in a car. The instruments also provide easy access to modern Bluetooth devices when combined with an iCom streaming device. Visit Phonak at Island B of the IHS Convention for more information.

(800) 777-7333


Open-fit hearing aids have proven to be a highly successful approach to fitting hearing losses, and our custom earmolds increase both their comfort and effectiveness. We can produce earmolds for any manufacturer’s open-fit models. Another area of growth for Microsonic is the music industry. In addition to our being a long-time supplier of Musicians Earplugsâ„¢, we have introduced the Epicâ„¢ line of Musicians’ Monitors. Our Micro-Fitâ„¢ laser earmold technology enjoys unprecedented growth. The genius of Micro-Fitâ„¢ is its unsurpassed design flexibility, allowing many, many special earmold configurations to meet individual needs.

(800) 523-7672

Oticon Inc

At the IHS Convention, Oticon will be exhibiting a range of products designed to help your practice in these challenging economic times. The new Vigo mid-priced product line puts a stop to the price and profit erosion experienced by many practices, by offering exceptional features and performance typically found only in high-end products. Drop by the Oticon booth at Island A and also find out how to bring in new and experienced users with our proven and effective marketing materials.

(800) 526-3921


Visit Rexton at IHS (Booth #319) to learn more about our versatile product line. Revo, our receiver-in-the-canal BTE, features the option of using standard or rechargeable batteries and offers a competitive feature set including SoundSmoothing, Wireless technology, DataLogging, AquaProtect, and Directional Microphones. Energy, our new power CIC, features up to 70 dB of gain and is a powerful and discreet hearing instrument.

(800) 876-1141

Siemens Hearing Instruments

This year, Siemens Hearing Instruments asked, “What if we stop focusing on ears and start focusing on the people they are attached to?” Siemens looked at the individual needs of people with hearing loss—from growing children to active boomers—to develop a range of new products that provide “Answers for Life!”. At the IHS Conference, stop by the Siemens Booth to see the full portfolio of hearing instruments that provide “Answers for Life!”. New products include Pure 500, Pure 700, Vibe, and Tek. Additionally, at the IHS Silent Auction, Siemens is donating a Binaural set of Pure 500 BTE Hearing Aids.

(800) 766-4500

Starkey Laboratories

Art meets science with Zonâ„¢, the first receiver-in-canal device to bring together best-in-class technology, unprecedented comfort, and beautiful design. At the heart of each Zon is Starkey’s proprietary BluWaveâ„¢ Signal Processing. Zon with BluWave SP features unprecedented feedback cancellation, superior directionality, seamless environmental adaptation, and built-in real ear measurement, all wrapped up in a small, beautifully designed exterior.

(800) 328-8602

Westone Laboratories

Westone has been making the highest quality earpieces for close to 50 years and offers one of the most extensive product and supply inventories for the hearing health care provider. At IHS, stop by to learn about our custom earpiece solutions for open-fit instruments. You can also find out how to get more involved in the custom market for musicians, audiophiles, and HPDs. Westone—dedicated to your success.

(800) 525-5071

Sonic Innovations

Now, Velocity is available in the smallest fully featured BTE that delivers incredible fitting flexibility in terms of hearing loss configuration and lifestyle needs. Velocity is also available in a full range of products designed to fit every lifestyle and budget. Each Velocity configuration offers unique features tailored specifically to the patient’s communication needs. Velocity also provides the fitting flexibility that hearing care professionals need to help their patients achieve their specific hearing goals.

(888) 423-7834

Unitron Hearing

Unitron Hearing offers new products and in-clinic tools to ensure success for you and for your clients. Stop by for information on our new products in the premium to entry level categories—Yuuâ„¢ and Nextâ„¢—and the in-clinic tools designed to help ensure client satisfaction and success through practical client counseling and support through the various decision-making stages. These tools include an intake questionnaire, a counseling and product selection guide, and a follow-up card.

(800) 888-8882


More passionate products from Widex! Passion is the world’s smallest receiver-in-canal hearing instrument! And now, there are three levels of Passion hearing instruments for your patients. Premier Passion 115, High Level Passion 110, and Lower Cost Passion 105 models all offer virtually invisible size, spectacular sound quality, and exceptional speech understanding and listening comfort. Widex also presents the popular m-Series line of micro BTE hearing instruments for mild to severe hearing losses.

(800) 221-0188

IHS Convention – Preliminary Program

Wednesday, September 24

1:00-5:00 PM: Optional Golf Event

1:00-6:00 PM: Registration Open

1:30-6:00 PM: Optional Pre-convention Seminar: Market Trends and Promotion of Hearing Services in Your Community

7:00-10:00 PM: Welcome Reception

Thursday, September 25

7:30 AM-6:00 PM: Registration and Silent Auction Open

7:30-8:00 AM: Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM-12:00 PM: Chapter Leadership Conference

8:00-10:00 AM: Concurrent Seminars:

  1. Management of the Occlusion Effect
  2. Grow Your Practice by Growing Your Referrals
  3. Ethics in Hearing Health Practice

10:15 AM–12:15 PM: Concurrent Seminars:

  1. Advanced Practice Seminar: New Knowledge About Ear Structure and Function
  2. Psychology of the Hearing Aid Purchase

12:30-2:30 PM: Annual Membership Meeting & Luncheon
2:45-4:45 PM: Concurrent Seminars:

  1. Adding Precision to the Initial Hearing Aid Fitting
  2. Making the Most of Custom Earmolds
  3. Binaural Hearing & Auditory Deprivation Effects

3:00–5:00 PM: Licensing Board Conference

7:00–10:00 PM: NBC-HIS Party

Friday, September 26

7:30 AM-6:00 PM: Registration Open

7:30-9:00 AM: Technology Breakfast Seminar: Clinical Grand Rounds

9:15-11:15 AM: Concurrent Seminars:

  1. The 30-Second Binaural Fitting
  2. Software Talks—Real Ear Walks
  3. Non-Surgical Approach to Treatment of Single-Sided Deafness

11:30 AM–12:30 PM: General Session: Keynote Address

12:30-6:30 PM: Exhibits and Silent Auction Open

12:30-1:30 PM: Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

5:00-6:30 PM: President’s Reception in the Exhibit Hall

Saturday, September 27

8:00-12:00 PM: Registration Open

8:00 AM-Noon: Exhibits and Silent Auction Open

8:00-9:00 AM: Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall

12:15-2:15 PM: Awards Luncheon

2:30-4:30 PM: Concurrent Seminars:

5) Psychology of the Hearing Aid Purchase (repeat)
10) Software Talks—Real Ear Walks (repeat)
12) Increasing Market Penetration

6:00 PM-Midnight: Grand Finale Festivities: Banquet and Moonlight Riverboat Party Cruise

Events and times subject to change; please consult final program. For more details about the IHS Convention in Savannah, as well as registration information, visit or call IHS at (800) 521-5247.