HR Archives | High Performance Hearing Solutions V1 (January 1997 Hearing Review)
By Earl R. Harford, PhD, and James R. Curran, MS
Precipitous high frequency hearing loss is very common, especially among the older adult male population. It may be one of the most complex and tenuous types of hearing loss to fit successfully with hearing aids. Special management skills are required to serve this population effectively. Further, it requires more than a routine knowledge of hearing aids to fit this type of hearing loss well. The most important factor in ensuring success is the degree and quality of pre-fitting counseling that is provided. With adequate preparation of the patient, the hearing care professional is more likely to achieve a satisfactory outcome. This article offers five recommendations for fitting precipitous high frequency loss, as well as perspectives on handling patient expectations and hearing aid distortion, feedback, and occlusion.
Note: This article was published prior to the establishment of the Hearing Review website. You can access a PDF of the article by clicking here.
Citation for this article: Harford ER, Curran JR. Managing patients with precipitous high frequency hearing loss. In: Kochkin S, Strom K, eds. High Performance Hearing Solutions, Vol 1. Hearing Review. 1997;[Suppl]:8-13.