The Postgraduate Institute for Medicine (PIM), Englewood, Colo, recently approved the new Continuing Medical Education (CME) course titled Neurovestibular Sciences: The Study of Balance Medicine offered by the Better Balance Fall Prevention and Wellness Society LLC, Fort Wayne, Ind.
The course, designed to teach clinics and private practices how to manage dizzy and balance-disordered patients, offers 24 hours of Category 1 CME to physicians and doctors of osteopathic medicine (DO). The first class is scheduled from January 29 to 31, 2010, in Chicago.
Randolph McKenzie, MD, PhD, FACS, medical director for the society and course director, said participants will enhance their understanding of effective diagnosis and management techniques to benefit their patients with dizziness, balance, and movement disorders.
“Every effort was made during the creation of our landmark Neurovestibular Sciences series curriculum to present the most clinically relevant, patient care-oriented information designed for clarity of presentation and understanding,” McKenzie said in a statement. “The health care professionals who attend will learn to successfully apply all educational material presented and learned skills acquired, directly and immediately, into their practices.
"Those attending will learn how to identify risk factors, properly diagnose, and effectively treat patients whose lives are adversely affected by dizziness and vertigo, patients who have fallen in the past, or are unsteady or at-risk of falling," said Daniel B. Scherer, the society’s founder and managing director.
PIM, the accrediting body, said it applied rigorous criteria to ensure clinical relevance, advancement of patient-care objectives, objectivity of materials presented, and scientific/intellectual honesty. Before CME activities are approved by PIM, applicants must demonstrate strict adherence to the essential precepts, policies, and standards as defined by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, and all guidelines put forth by the FDA and the American Medical Association, said the society.
The society has scheduled six 3-day weekend courses for 2010.
Click here or call (866) 809-4452 to view the curriculum, reserve a seat, or view other scheduled dates and locations. Additional course offerings during 2010 are also anticipated, covering intermediate and advanced levels of study in balance medicine.
The society aims to advance the effectiveness of neurovestibular sciences, falls prevention, and wellness methods for health care professionals. The end result features noninvasive, nonsurgical treatments for balance disorders.
McKenzie, of Chattanooga, Tenn, plans to develop ongoing clinical and medical educational programs and vestibular rehabilitation therapy protocols, while serving as course director for the CME programs. A published author and lecturer with more than 20 years of clinical experience, McKenzie has held many academic positions, including his current appointment as associate professor of otology/neurotology, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, Tenn.
[Source: Better Balance Fall Prevention and Wellness Society]