Acoustic Middle Ear Reflexes: Simple, Underused, and Critically Important
By Douglas L. Beck, AuD, and David P. Speidel, MS
The acoustic middle ear reflex (AMER) has historically been an important tool for the hearing care professional. Recently, the importance of the AMER has increased dramatically due to its relatively easyand extremely important contribution with regard to the diagnosis of auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD).
College Music Faculty Views About Hearing Protection Use and Hearing Conservation Training
By Adrienne Rubinstein, PhD, Rochelle Cherry, EdD, and Elvera Bader, BS
What are the key obstacles to implementing better hearing conservation awareness in college music programs? This article looks at both student and faculty attitudes and knowledge about music-induced hearing loss, and presents several possible solutions for improving hearing awareness and protection in schools of music.
Musical Tinnitus After Cochlear Implantation
By Danish Shahab, David A. Klodd, PhD, and Miriam I. Saadia-Redleaf, MD, FACS
Although rare, musical tinnitus has been reported in the literature. This article presents a case study of a 56-year-old woman whose musical tinnitus began days after receiving a cochlear implant and having it activated. In this case, listening to recorded music via the implant’s telecoil was the most effective intervention for suppression of her tinnitus.
HR’s annual look at some of the exciting new products and services available this year.
Staff Standpoint: Hearing Aid Sales Up 2.9% in 2012
By Karl Strom, editor-in-chief
By Jennifer T. Lamfers, AuD
Spanish Language Instructions for Common Procedures
The Final Word: Channeling the Fix-it Mentality
By Dennis Van Vliet, AuD
The Comprehensive Approach to Hearing Aid Trouble-shooting
You can also read February’s Hearing Review Interactive Print Edition. Click here. |