Pehratek Products has released its new Headphone Docking Pod for storing testing transducers near patient testing areas.
The Headphone Docking Pod is an attachable container for storing all the testing transducers (headphone, bone vibrator, inserts, response switch) in one convenient location that can be installed out of reach from children.
The docking pod allows these transducers to be remotely located from a jack panel to a spot that is near the testing chair, while routing the cords away from the patient.
Designed to be easy to install, the docking pod comes with a 3, 9, or 15 foot umbilical cord that can be neatly routed along the baseboard of the sound booth.
It can also be attached to the back of the testing chair, remaining out of sight and minimizing the tangling of cords.
SOURCE: Pehratek Products