Audiology Systems, a US distributor of GN Otometrics products such as Aurical, Madsen, and ICS, as well as other leading audiology and vestibular equipment, has announced the availability of the OTObase patient management module from Otometrics to hearing care professionals in the United States.
According to Audiology Systems, OTObase gives audiologists a fast and simple way to connect to Electronic Medical Records (EMR). OTObase utilizes the Noah 4 engine, which is said to make it a simple and user-friendly database module for the management of audiological data and patient information. OTObase reportedly integrates with all types and brands of audiology equipment such as audiometers, tympanometers, video otoscopes, and diagnostic OAEs.
Based on information from Otometrics, OTObase can help companies save on IT resources. The user interface has the same look and feel as Noah, so a practice spends less time on support questions. OTObase is also said to be easy to manage. It’s built with quality software based on industry standards that support Microsoft-based solutions. Users can be added or deleted easily. Tight Active Directory integration and Windows-authenticated users enable centralized and efficient user management.
For additional information about the OTObase database module, HR readers can visit the Audiology Systems website.
Source: Audiology Systems
Photo credits: Audiology Systems; Otometrics