The annual Vanderbilt Hands-On Hearing Aid workshop will be held from September 23 to 25, at Vanderbilt’s Bill Wilkerson Center, Nashville, Tenn.

This 3-day event will review all aspects of hearing aid selection, fitting, and verification.

Gus Mueller, Todd Ricketts, and Vanderbilt faculty will provide lively discussions and interactive training on the latest technology, processing algorithms, and instrumentation.

There will also be hands-on activities with hearing aid manufacturer software, the new DSL and NAL fitting algorithms, and probe-mic equipment from various manufacturers.

There will be ample time to enjoy Music City in the evenings with the event’s "sage and notable" tour guides.

Registration is limited. For a detailed brochure and registration information, email [email protected]

[Source: Vanderbilt Hands-On Hearing Aid Workshop]