Issue: 2007 International
We’ve all come to realize that John Donne’s famous quote, “No man is an island, entire of itself,” is as prophetic to the business world as it is to humanity in general. As with the economy, the hearing industry has become far more global in its scope, and so has The Hearing Review and Hearing Products Report. This issue of the HR and HPR International Edition provides a small sampling of what is available to hearing care providers from our respective magazines—both in print and online.
HR and HPR are complementary media resources designed to provide you with up-to-the-minute updates on the world of hearing health care. HR concentrates on the technology, research, news, and the current fitting issues of the day, while HPR concentrates on the available products, services, and players involved in the hearing care industry.
But this combined edition represents only the “top of the iceberg” relative to the information offered by both magazines. HR and HPR maintain Web sites that are updated on a daily basis, are archived, and can be searched using key words. Additionally, The Hearing Review Worldwide Registry—widely thought of as “the phone book of the hearing industry”—is designed as an easy source book for companies, products and services, personnel, and trade names in the hearing industry. Finally, The Hearing Review distributes a free weekly e-newslettier, The Insider, that is filled with up-to-the-minute news, research findings and product announcements. You can get your weekly copy by [register]subscribing here[/register].
The world is expanding at an unbelievable pace in so many different facets, and at the same time is getting smaller by the day. When I joined the hearing industry as editor of The Hearing Review in 1993, there were far more companies that “did their own thing” within their own markets than there were companies that were truly international organizations. However, as advances in telecommunications, technology, manufacturing, and the Internet showed their full opportunities and concomitant threats, it became quickly apparent that our world isn’t really expanding; rather, it’s getting smaller and time is getting shorter. As go-to resources, HR and HPR look forward to serving you as an information clearinghouse. Please bookmark us, visit us, and tell us what you think.
Karl Strom
[email protected]