For those companies or individuals who have a concern about hearing damage that may have been caused by situations such as excessive noise, medication, or an accident, E.A.R., Inc announced that it has added to it’s services a source of experienced Board Certified audiologists available as expert witnesses to review any case with an attorney. According to E.A.R.’s description, the role of an expert witness is to work with a legal team assisting a judge and jury in understanding the evidence in the case under consideration and arriving at a fair settlement. An expert witness is “a professional in his or her field, distilling complex issues of hearing loss and its ramifications to understandable testimony.”
E.A.R. reports that its experts have taken courses that have prepared them for legal challenges. Courses include proper procedures for reviewing documents such as audiograms or medical reports, conducting investigations, performing research, forming opinions, and drafting reports, in addition to providing sworn deposition and testimony at trial.
For more information regarding these services, contact Garry G. Gordon, E.A.R. audiologist, via email at: [email protected] or: [email protected], or visit:
Source: E.A.R.
Image: E.A.R.