SafeAwake LLC, Columbia, Md, recently received confirmation from a third-party testing laboratory that its SafeAwake smoke alarm for deaf and hard-of hearing people, a secondary notification device, meets the testing requirements of Underwriters Laboratory, an independent product safety certification organization that sets standards and certifies product safety.
The device works with a standard smoke detector. When it senses a standard smoke alarm, the device instantly activates an intermittent, motor-driven bed shaker, which vibrates the bed to wake individuals who are sleeping. It emits a high-decibel, low-frequency (500Hz) audible signal, and flashes a light.
The company can now sell the product to facilities such as assisted care facilities, hotels, motels, and college dorms.
“SafeAwake is on track to become a supplier of secondary notification devices that meet the requirements of the National Fire Alarm Code 72, Version 2010 that was enacted in August 2009," said Tim Shaffer, president/CEO of SafeAwake LLC.
He added that the 2010 version will be adopted by state and local fire municipalities in the next few years as the code becomes law and a requirement for fire safety. The product was introduced in April 2009.
SafeAwake LLC designs, develops, and manufactures secondary safety notification devices used with fire and smoke alarms for the consumer, commercial, and international market.
[Source: Safeawake]