Minneapolis — May is “Better Hearing & Speech Month,” and to help bring awareness to the cause, ReSound is donating a pair of hearing aids for every additional 10 people who “like” the company’s Facebook page.
The donated hearing aids will go to Help America Hear, a charity that provides hearing aids to Americans who cannot afford to buy them.
In most states, Medicare and Medicaid do not cover the cost of hearing aids and many insurance providers do not offer full medical coverage. (Recent bills reintroduced in Congress aim to change that, however.)
Created by the Foundation for Sight and Sound, the Help America Hear program provides hearing aids to men, women, and children with limited financial resources.
The manufacturer-suggested retail cost reportedly averages from $1,500 to $3,000 per hearing aid. With this program, each eligible person receives two hearing aids, custom ear molds, and 1 year limited service.
In addition, ReSound is asking audiologists and hearing professionals to share ideas for promoting hearing conservation in their local communities. Simply visit the GN ReSound Facebook page and post your ideas and experiences. With recreational noise and hearing loss being entwined, ReSound is encouraging more education about noise-induced hearing loss at the community level.
For more information on Help America Hear, visit www.gnresound.com/helpamericahear.