September 10, 2007
The Pediatric Amplification Hands-On Workshop, sponsored by Siemens Hearing Instruments, Inc, will be Oct. 11 through 13, in Nashville, Tenn. This annual conference will feature nationally known experts who will discuss topics regarding the assessment and fitting of children. The workshop will also include a 6-hour hands-on training on the latest DSL fitting method.
This 3-day workshop will include a welcome reception Oct. 11. Workshop sessions will begin Oct. 12 and include the following topics:
• Using Physiological Methods in Pediatric Hearing Assessment – Linda J. Hood, Ph.D.
• Evaluation and Management of Auditory Neuropathy/Dys-synchrony – Linda J. Hood, Ph.D.
• Hearing Aid Features for the Pediatric Population: Big Clinical Decisions for the Little Ones – Todd A. Ricketts, Ph.D.
• The Top 10 List of Practical Pediatric Amplification Pointers – Leisha Eiten, M.A.
The workshop will close on Saturday, October 13 following a six-hour hands-on training with the DSL fitting software and probe-microphone testing of RECD and real-ear hearing aid measures. This training will be conducted by Susan Scollie, Ph.D. and Marlene Bagatto, Ph.D., experts from The National Centre for Audiology, University of Western Ontario.
Due to the emphasis on small group training and hands-on experiences, enrollment for this workshop is limited and early enrollment is recommended. Registration is $100 per person and includes all workshop sessions, the welcome reception, and meals (including dinner Oct. 12). Participants are responsible for airfare, airport transfers and hotel accommodations.
For more information on the Pediatric Amplification Hands-On Workshop or to register, please contact Sara Dumont at (800) 766-4500, extension 7559.
Source: Siemens