Auditec Inc, St Louis, (formerly Auditec of St Louis) has acquired auditory processing recordings from Frank Musiek, PhD, CCC-A as follows: The Frequency Pattern test, the Dichotic Digits test, and the new Gaps in Noise (GIN) test. The recordings are exclusively available from Auditec, which helps audiologists tap their test version of choice from one source.
Musiek, known worldwide for his innovative work in the area of auditory processing and other areas in the field of audition, chose the company to duplicate and distribute his recordings. Auditec is a purveyor of a large compilation of auditory tests, and its auditory processing recordings are used worldwide by many audiologists who devote their expertise to the study and diagnosis of auditory processing disorders.
The Frequency Pattern and Dichotic Digit recordings are very similar to those now distributed by Auditec; the GIN test represents a different approach to gap detection testing and is a welcome addition to its gap detection tests, such as the Random Gap Detection test.
These test recordings are available on CD alone or in conjunction with other tests—ie, one may purchase the tests individually, or may include one or all of them as part of a series of tests on one CD.
For more information, call (800) 669-9065 or send an e-mail.
[Source: Auditec]