The American Academy of Audiology (AAA) has announced that it has purchased an office at 312 Massachusetts Avenue NE in the heart of Washington, DC—four blocks from the Capitol.
“The Board of Directors recently toured the potential Capitol Hill office site and completely understood why staff was excited about this opportunity to expand our presence in Washington,” says Academy President Alison Grimes, AuD.
While the Academy’s headquarters will remain in Reston, Va, purchasing this office in DC will enhance the Academy’s advocacy efforts, while being fiscally responsible with Academy resources, reports the organization. The historic townhouse is four blocks from the Capitol is zoned for commercial business.
“The Academy was in a great position to make this purchase thanks to the sound financial policies set forth by former Academy leaders,” says AAA Interim Executive Director Cheryl Kreider Carey. “Once staff identified the building, we immediately saw the visibility potential for our profession on Capitol Hill.”
A ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the office is being planned for late Summer 2007.