The Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) will be holding its annual convention, AuDacity 2021, at the Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel in Portland, Ore, from October 25-27. With the theme, “Audiology Unleashed,” the conference promises to offer all of the relied-upon features that the ADA convention is well known for, including excellent practical sessions on clinical and business/marketing topics, new hearing aid fitting methods, networking opportunities, and fun.
The President’s Address by Victor Bray, PhD, will be presented at 8 AM on Tuesday, October 26, and the keynote address will be provided by Claudia Lorraine Gordon, Esq, about the importance of communication products and services to reduce or eliminate communication barriers for customers who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or have cognitive, speech, or mobility disability.
Details at:
Source: ADA
Image: ADA