
The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
(AG Bell), Washington, DC, awarded Ken Levinson with the Honors of the Association, the organization’s highest distinction, during its convention in Pittsburgh in June. A member of AG Bell since 1978, Levinson was selected for the award in recognition of his enthusiastic support and dedication toward helping AG Bell to achieve its goals.

Levinson has served in a variety of leadership roles at AG Bell, including two terms on the board of directors (1981-1995 and 2002-present), and as AG Bell president during the Centennial Celebration from 1988-1990. He has served as convention program chair for the 1984 Convention in Portland, Ore, chair of the Audit Committee, past treasurer, and chair of the Long Range Planning Committee. Levinson is also the founder and leader of Leadership Opportunities for Teens (LOFT), and currently chairs the AG Bell Development Council.

He has taken a specific interest in developing self-advocacy and leadership skills in teenagers and young adults with hearing loss. As a result of his vision, LOFT has reached hundreds of high school students with hearing loss and has given them the skills to become better advocates for themselves and eliminate unneeded feelings of isolation.

Levinson is a partner at Kornetsky & Associates, a CPA firm in San Francisco. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Washington, and a master’s degree in business administration from Columbia University.

[SOURCE: AG Bell, July 19, 2006]