Starkey China Attends Beijing Audiology Conference
The show was organized by the Beijing Society of Audiology, Starkey and other local manufacturers exhibited their latest products, remote services, and upcoming technologies.
The show was organized by the Beijing Society of Audiology, Starkey and other local manufacturers exhibited their latest products, remote services, and upcoming technologies.
The new Livio AI hearing aid contains several firsts and is designed as a multi-functional device, or what Starkey is calling a “Healthable” hearing technology. In addition to hearing-related technology improvements, new features include fall-detection and inertial sensors, fitness and wellness tracking, a real-time language translator, and the ability to control the aid by just tapping it. The “ecosystem” that makes up the the new device is said to revolve around artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, cloud computing, embedded 3D motion sensors, telehealth, language translation, fall detection and alerts, and hearing aid accessories.