Tag: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society



Lower Brain Tissue Oxygenation Can Cause Falls

Researchers from Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing (MISA) and the Department of Medical Physics at St James’s Hospital and Trinity College Dublin have discovered that brain tissue oxygenation is lower in frailer older adults with multiple health conditions (multi-morbidity), putting them at risk of faints and falls.



Links Between Age-related Sensory Impairments Discussed at AGS Conference

Is the connection between sensory impairment and cognitive decline linear, with one health concern leading to the other, or is it cyclical, reflecting a more complex connection? AGS-NIA conference attendees think answers to these questions are critical, which is why their conference report maps the state of sensory and cognitive impairment research while also outlining important priorities for future scholarship and clinical practice.


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